BRB, Gotta go Force Cry in the Steam Room

I received a lot of kind feedback from last week’s post, thank you so much! It was a tough week, to be perfectly honest. I had a migraine for most of the week, cried a lot. Y’all, I planned one evening around going to the gym and crying in the sauna. No joke. And this guy kept coming in and out and I’m over here, “EXCUSE ME, TRYING TO DRAMATICALLY CRY IN THE STEAM ROOM ALONE PLEASE, THANKS. IT’S REALLY HARD BECAUSE I’M SWEATING SO MUCH… I’M GETTING CONFUSED IF THESE ARE TEARS OR BALLS OF SWEAT… I MEAN, IS THIS NORMAL?” So I went home and ate cheese while nursing a lack of hydration/forced cry headache. Grieving is just not cute. I mean, it’s not all proud moments clutching pearls while a single tear rolls down your cheek. Its more spontaneous outburst of tears when a certain musician plays, poor choices for fun (why have just one headache when you can be self sabotaging and add a new pain to the mix?!), assuming everyone is mad at you (no one is mad at you, to be clear)…. and it’s time. Time can ease the pain while simultaneously exasperate the length of absence it’s been since you last saw them. Time is a fickle mistress.

A funny thing did happen at work this week. One of the gals turned 21 and was planning a 21-Run (no, that’s not the joke but yes, you should laugh at that cause I sure did) anywhoooo one of the other gals was heading to the party and trying to look up ways to ensure they wouldn’t be hungover and I’m hollering, “I GOT YOU FAM – I’M A PROFESSIONAL*” and I’m giving her my best secrets about pedialyte, emergen-c, etc. Then here comes my boss, “Maybe just don’t drink that much…” I was floored, literally never had that thought cross my mind.
*I’m a recovering alcoholic with over two years of sobriety – I’ve had a few hangovers in my life… Physically and emotionally I imagine. Wait, are we talking hangovers or hangups?

The family got together on Easter which was lovely. Easter gatherings have changed dramatically over the years with who we’d spend it with and where. The above photo was taken at a friend of the family’s that we spent it the most with. At one point we would pull out the vhs tape (who still has a working vhs player?!) of the egg hunt we had, where said photo was taken. Side note: Y’know, people think they have a resting bitch face, but it’s quite clear I established this look in 1983. Its a pretty cute tape of us being silly, me glaring, my mom and sister in their 80’s finest and I think I pushed a boy over. Probably. I’m still trying that technique to pick boys up to date. Still single

This last week at the gym: My dear friend took me to the gym and gave me a workout routine which I’m forever grateful for. Its nice having a trainer I actually trust! Expecting instant results is trying to discourage me, but I’m keeping focused. Mermaid swimsuit and giant clam shell floatie will be mine. As per usual I saw my fair share of odd happenings. One was the lady giving the thigh master a lap dance. It was incredibly uncomfortable to watch as she stood facing the chair bopping up and down. Really hoped she sanitized the thing afterwards… today I saw an older woman in the locker room causing what I would describe as an incredible offense (I’m being really dramatic and sarcastic here) she was EATING in the bathroom. But what you ask? A Sriracha flavored baked tofu loaf. What in the what? Why is that even a thing, first off, but eating in the bathroom?! Nope. Just, noooooo.
Have a great week y’all and whatever you do… please don’t let me catch you eating in the bathroom. K, thanks.